
Digg.com vs Slashdot.com

It's supper geek tech time! Today Justin my coworker procliamed slashdot.org dead and declared Digg.com the top spot for geek news. Now I've never heard of Digg.com, guess I'm only 1/2 geek, which led to checking it out. Based on a one day comparison I have to agree with Justin. Digg was far more interesting today. At slashdot.org all stories submited go through an moderator. At Digg.com the everyone in the community votes on the news that gets featured on the home page. What's more interesting is you don't have to even log in to vote for a story. I really have to wonder if it might be possible for for slashdot.org to be displaced by a democratized tech website.

Bachelor Party Planning,

Beside getting into climbing shape, my other big project for the coming month is a planning bachelor party for Rich. It's quite a honor and I'll be dammed if I don't pull off weekend that is noteworthy (hopefully plenty of good silly stories). Anyhow here is the flier which was a fun time photo shopping. One notable benefit of planning a bachelor party is you get to look at stripper pictures without getting in trouble :-)


Country Boys

Frontline's new documentary Country Boys is impressive in it's scope. Three years is spent trailing two Appalachian teens through the transition from from boys to men. Many of the issues are typical to many boys in America. However there are glimpses on how that life for these boy's can be harder. Some notable scenes from the first episode include wrestling a pig out from your new trailer home while missing school, Heavy Metal Christian rock, teacher's harping making progress, a drunken dad that barely functions, girls, and bumming smokes off of your mom.

I'll definitely will be watching the next two parts. PBS has also been kind enough to post the documentary online for those who miss the show's TV premier.


What the hell happened to Robs blog!

What the hell happened to Robs blog! Well it was the holiday season, plus I got to go on a Vegas/RedRock and Joshua tree trip. It was pretty fun, I didn't get climb as much as I wanted but did manage to take Trent up Prince of Darkness and got a few classic 5.9 trad leads in. Pretty good for old man Peters.