I for one am unimpressed with Apples new V-iPod. Who is going to watch movies on such a little screen. Slate happens to agree with this article. What if Apple instead did something truly revolutionary like allow people to buy and install OSX on any PC. But I imagine Apple just isn't willing to play on a level field with Windows XP and will never ship its operating system to work without it's own branded hardware:-P
so I doubt I'd be able to get OSX to work on YOUR computer Rob, since you're running some AMD chip (I can't keep them all straight - did you hear AMD sold more of something than Intel this Quarter?), but my friend Ken did it on his (wintel machine). You can hear his comments about the SUPERIOR OS over at his blog http://keville.blogspot.com/
Yes, you could run on OSx on a Intel and even likely on my either of my AMDs. However Apple doesn't consider it legal or judging by Ken blog make it easy :-P
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